Ren Ci Charity Golf Tournament 2017

In March 2017, Oxley donated S$10,000 to Ren Ci Hospital, in the annual Ren Ci Charity Golf Tournament 2017 held on 26 May 2017 at Sentosa Golf Club. Funds raised from the event were channelled to assist the needy and elderly patients of Ren Ci Hospital, as well as expand the hospital’s services to cater to the growing needs of Singapore’s ageing population. Also in March 2017, Oxley donated S$115,300 to Public Free Clinic Society for them to purchase a Toyota Hiace Commuter Bus. The bus has been deployed in personalised TCM Healthcare services targeted at the elderly who live alone, or at nursing homes and senior’s activity centres. With the strong support of grassroots organizations and enthusiastic members of the public, the service runs six days a week, providing attentive and dedicated care to people with mobility problems so as to allow them to regain their health .